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June is a month filled with activity.

THis month, the Collingwood School Senior Campus is benefitting from the sales of I, Walter. I’ve heard from many of the faculty that they are looknig forward to reading I, Walter, but that they won’t even begin to think about it until after school is out. Well, folks, tomorrow school is out for the summer :). I hope the Senior school donation eclipses the junior school’s May donation.

At the end of May, I, Walter was a part of BookExpoAmerica (BEA) in New York. This month, the book will be in Chicago for the American Librarians Association (ALA) conference. And in another week, it will be in Atlanta for the National Education Association (NEA) Conference.


Lightning Source has accepted me as a client, so very soon I will be in the Ingram magazine, and probably the Baker-Taylor magazine. This will open I, Walter to a number of traditional channels – like library purchasing.

I’ve learned that it’s an advantage to use NetGalley for four to six months BEFORE publication. Ditto on major paper reviews. The reviewers will accept galleys (most of them), and usually prefer 4 months worth of lead time before the book’s publication. All of these are factors that will be taken into account during the time leading up to the publication of book number two.


And on Book Two, or WIP (work-in-progress), you should know that I have two competing voices telling me their stories right now. Both have very interesting stories, and both are essential to the Eternity Series.


[break] will be coming up over the next month, though when is still a question. So much to do, and so little time. whereas accidental author specializes in Walter, and will continue to have each book in the series and some buildup on them, will speicalize in ALL of the books that I have written, and will have an e-commerce section built into the site. It is and will remain a work in progress, so have a look towards mid-July.